Join us May 23 at "Maison des Mines et des Ponts", in the beautiful Latin Quarter of Paris

8th edition of the Workshop

Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems


Per3S is a french workshop centered on performances of storage system and all the issues related to storage at scale

The terminology used in Per3S for storage includes HPC systems as well as Cloud architectures, the common point between both being scalability. Presentations and talks focus in application, system or architecture. This 7th edition aims to gather during one day researchers from academia and industry, experimented or junior, storage users and customers with the sole purpose to exchange and foster the community.


Per3S 9th Edition

Per3S is a workshop aiming to bring together the scientific and technological storage community to discuss and address issues and challenges associated to performance and data operations at scale. These topics cover HPC storage as well as Cloud-oriented architectures, both sharing the need for extreme scale.

Per3S fully encourages young researchers to present their work by submitting an abstract. The abstract can relate to an original work, on-going work, with fresh problems/solutions, or one already submitted and/or accepted in an international conference in order to be the subject of discussions.

Modality of submissions

Communications and submissions may be made either in French or in English.

Important dates

  • Submission of abstracts from April 15 until April 30
  • Notifications are made to authors within 3 days of submission
  • Workshop on May 23th

50 Participants

Previous editions of Per3S have successfully fostered a community of researchers both from academia and industry working on storage technologies. The audience is around 50 persons.

3 sessions

The program is organized around 3 sessions: one dedicated to Cloud, Storage technologies and data management, the second sessions is focused on poster for interactive discussion, and the last and third session is centered on HPC storage technologies and Lustre in particular.

12 talks, 8 Posters

Each posters is coming with an additional Flash-Presentation. Get within a single day a comprehensive overview of the storage activities in France.


Pers3S workshop spans a full day from 9am to 17h30, with a total of 3 sessions:

  • 8h30 Participants Welcoming
  • 9h-12h30 Cloud and Storage
  • 12h30-13h Flash presentations to introduce posters
  • 13h-14h ** Lunch and Posters **
  • 14h-17h30 HPC Storage and Lustre
  • 18h-20h Casual networking at Le Vin Sobre (2 minutes walk)

9h-12h30 Cloud and Storage

9h00 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

9h30 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

10h00 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


abstract to be provided


** 25 minute break **

11h00 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


abstract to be provided

11h30 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

12h00 Amphi Thévenin

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

12h-12h30 Flash presentations poster introduction

12h30 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

12h35 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

12h40 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

12h45 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

12h50 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

12h55 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


abstract to be provided

14h-17h30 HPC and Lustre

14h00 Plenary Session

Lustre: status and path forward

Sebastien Buisson, Whamcloud

Lustre is the leading open-source and open-development file system for HPC. Around two thirds of the top 100 supercomputers use Lustre. It is a community developed technology with contributors from around the world. Lustre currently supports many HPC infrastructures beyond scientific research, such as financial services, energy, manufacturing, and life sciences and in recent years has been leveraged by cloud solutions to bring its performance benefits to a variety of new use cases (particularly relating to AI). This talk will reflect on the current state of the Lustre ecosystem and also will include the latest news relating to Lustre community releases (LTS releases and major releases), the roadmap, and details of features under development.

14h30 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

15h Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided


** 30 minute break **

16h00 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

16h30 Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

17h Plenary Session

Title to be announced


Abstract to be provided

Steering Committee

Since its inception 8 years ago, Per3S is managed by a steering committee, the committee is fluid and tends to evolve from an edition to the other.

Registration (for logistic purpose)

Access to the site may require the presentation of an ID, registration would greatly simplify the logistic

Provided email addresses will only be used to contact participant for logistic purpose or broadcast last minute changes. The emails addresses will not be kept after the Workshop (GDPR).


The workshop will be held in La Maison des Mines et des Ponts , a building of the prestigious Ecole des Mines et des Ponts, at the heart of the Latin quarter on the left bank of Paris.

Maison des Mines et des Ponts

270 rue Saint Jacques

75005 Paris

In case of issue Jean-Thomas: 06 15 95 63 06

Access map


Per3S would like to warmly thanks its sponsors: