Join us May 28 at "Maison des Mines et des Ponts", in the beautiful Latin Quarter of Paris

8th edition of the Workshop

Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems


Per3S is a french workshop centered on performances of storage system and all the issues related to storage at scale

The terminology used in Per3S for storage includes HPC systems as well as Cloud architectures, the common point between both being scalability. Presentations and talks focus in application, system or architecture. This 7th edition aims to gather during one day researchers from academia and industry, experimented or junior, storage users and customers with the sole purpose to exchange and foster the community.


Per3S 8th Edition

Per3S is a workshop aiming to bring together the scientific and technological storage community to discuss and address issues and challenges associated to performance and data operations at scale. These topics cover HPC storage as well as Cloud-oriented architectures, both sharing the need for extreme scale.

Per3S fully encourages young researchers to present their work by submitting an abstract. The abstract can relate to an original work, on-going work, with fresh problems/solutions, or one already submitted and/or accepted in an international conference in order to be the subject of discussions.

Modality of submissions

Communications and submissions may be made either in French or in English.

Important dates

  • Submission of abstracts from April 15 until April 30
  • Notifications are made to authors within 3 days of submission
  • Workshop on May 28th

50 Participants

Previous editions of Per3S have successfully fostered a community of researchers both from academia and industry working on storage technologies. The audience is around 50 persons.

3 sessions

The program is organized around 3 sessions: one dedicated to Cloud, Storage technologies and data management, the second sessions is focused on poster for interactive discussion, and the last and third session is centered on HPC storage technologies and Lustre in particular.

12 talks, 8 Posters

Each posters is coming with an additional Flash-Presentation. Get within a single day a comprehensive overview of the storage activities in France.


Pers3S workshop spans a full day from 9am to 17h30, with a total of 3 sessions:

  • 8h30 Participants Welcoming
  • 9h-12h30 Cloud and Storage
  • 12h30-13h Flash presentations to introduce posters
  • 13h-14h ** Lunch and Posters **
  • 14h-17h30 HPC Storage and Lustre
  • 18h-20h Casual networking at Le Vin Sobre (2 minutes walk)

9h-12h30 Cloud and Storage

9h00 Plenary Session

Overview of the Storage landscape: Trends, Evolution and Key Developments

Philippe Nicolas, Coldago Resarch, StorageNewsletter &The French Storage Podcast

The French Storage Podcast, also known as TFSP, is a podcast that focuses on data, data management, and storage. It's an international podcast hosted by Philippe Nicolas, an industry observer with over 30 years of experience. During the last decade and even more, under the pressure of new workloads and IT challenges, we all saw several developments in the data storage industry at various levels, hardware, media, networking, processors, software and even architecture with also new players. This talk selects some key examples in the recent storage timeline to illustrate this evolution and forces behind.

Slides of the presentation.

program program
9h30 Plenary Session

Designing & operating a large-scale S3 object- storage infrastructure at OVHcloud

Antonin Goude, Romain de Joux, OVH Cloud

Knowing hardware disks evolution and performance limitation, discover how we tackle this industrial challenge to deliver a state-of-the-art managed and ultra-scalable S3 infrastructure. [to be detailed further]

10h00 Plenary Session

Hestia: the IO-SEA HSM API

Katie O'Connor, University of Galway

The goal of the IO-SEA project is to develop solutions to the challenge of data storage in Exascale computing. IO-SEA implements a Hierarchical storage management (HSM) solution to balance storage costs with capacity and performance needs for large volumes of data. Hestia (Hierarchical Storage Tiers Interface for Applications) manages the movement of data between the different devices, called ‘tiers’, through use of the HSM API. The HSM public API allows the user to create objects, put and get data from the object stores, and remove objects. The private API allows a policy engine to copy and move data between the tiers. Hestia can manage data movement through various object store backends with the use of the Hestia CopyTool and a config file passed in on launching the Hestia server. This allows for the movement of data between different backends, be they multi-tiered or single-tiered, seamlessly, without the need for the user to worry about them. Currently, Hestia has interfaces for Cortx-Motr HSM object store, Phobos tape object store and Amazon S3. Hestia is currently in beta; the most recent release is version 1.3

Slides of the presentation.


** 25 minute break **

11h00 Plenary Session

Leveraging Non-Volatile Main Memory to store the state of Cloud applications reliably

Thomas Ropars, INRIA

Non-Volatile Main Memory (NVMM) technologies provide persistent storage in main memory. While being able to retain data over crashes and reboots, they offer performance that are close to DRAM. They are a great opportunity to store the state of Cloud applications in such a way that they could survive server crashes. However, storing data in NVMM reliably requires managing carefully the different level of caches that are present between the processor and the memory. In this talk, I will present an overview of different techniques we developed to efficiently and reliably store snapshots of running applications in NVMM. These techniques allow us to save data either in local NVMM or in remote NVMM accessed through RDMA, while ensuring that we are always able to recover the state of the application in the event of a crash. We will show that depending on the hardware configuration, the key to achieve high performance in storing data to NVMM differs. Experiments show that, on an application such as Memcached, the overhead induced by our techniques can be as low as 5% even when saving the state of the application several times per second.

Slides of the presentation.

11h30 Plenary Session

HeROcache: Storage-Aware Scheduling in Heterogeneous Serverless Edge -- The Case of IDS

Vincent Lannurien, ENSTA

The Case of IDS: Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are time-sensitive applications that aim to classify potentially malicious network traffic. IDSs are part of a class of applications that rely on short-lived functions that can be run reactively and, as such, could be deployed on edge resources, to offload processing from energy-constrained battery-backed devices. The serverless service model could fit the needs of such applications, given that the platform allows adequate levels of Quality of Service (QoS) for a variety of users, since the criticality of IDS applications depends on several parameters. Deploying serverless functions on unreserved edge resources requires to pay particular attention to (1) initialization delays that could be significant on low resources platforms, (2) inter-function communication between edge nodes, and (3) heterogeneous devices. In this paper, we propose both a storage-aware allocation and scheduling policy that seek to minimize task placement costs for service providers on edge devices while optimizing QoS for IDS users. To do so, we propose a caching and consolidation strategy that minimizes cold starts and inter-function communication delays while satisfying QoS by leveraging heterogeneous edge resources. We evaluated our platform in a simulation environment using characterization data from real-world IDS tasks and execution platforms and compared it with a vanilla Knative orchestrator and a storage-agnostic policy. Our strategy achieves 18% fewer QoS penalties while consolidating applications across 80% fewer edge nodes.

Slides of the presentation.

12h00 Amphi Thévenin

AI Factories: convergence or complement?

Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, DDN

Cloud providers are defining a new model for data centers dedicated to AI workloads. Such Cloud infrastructures have specific storage requirements. The core of the infrastructure is a datalake of potentially considerable capacity. This lakes hosts diverse data, both in terms of format or size, but also in respects of the domains (market verticals). Data are extracted from the lake to feed a massive farm of GPUs to perform training and inference tasks. The two critical points are data management capabilities and performance. In this talk, we will present the vision of DDN to provide a structured data lake Datalake along the lines of the data lakehouse concept without making any compromise on performance.

Slides of the presentation.

12h-12h30 Flash presentations poster introduction

12h30 Plenary Session

GrIOt: Graph-based Modeling of HPC Application I/O Call Stacks for Predictive Prefetch

Louis-Marie Nicolas, ENSTA / Atos

Modern High Performance Computing (HPC) storage systems use heterogeneous storage technologies organized in tiers to find a compromise between capacity, performance, and cost. In these systems, prefetching is a common technique used to move the right data at the right moment from a slow to a fast tier to improve the overall performance while using the costly high-performance tier only when needed. Effective prefetching requires precise knowledge of the application I/O patterns. This knowledge can be extracted through the source code, I/O tracing tools or I/O functions call stacks. State-of-the-art solutions based on the latter approach mainly focus on applications with regular I/O profiles to avoid scalability issues due to the grammar-based techniques used. In this paper, we present an approach based on I/O call stacks that models I/O patterns for both regular and irregular applications, thanks to the use of directed graphs. We present different models for prefetching. Our models were used to predict the next I/O call stack on two real HPC applications and one synthetic workload with an accuracy of up to 98%, while keeping a low overhead.

Slides of the Poster.

12h35 Plenary Session

Quantifying the Performance of Erasure Codes in P2P Storage Systems

Mohammad Rizk, INRIA

12h40 Plenary Session

On the Energy Footprint of Erasure Codes in Ceph

Marc Tranzer, INRIA

12h45 Plenary Session

Tracing for Exascale

Catherine Guelque, Télécom SudParis

Traces are used in HPC for post-mortem performance analysis. It is a useful tool for investigating performance problems of applications. However, identifying a performance bottleneck often requires collecting lots of information, which causes the trace to become huge. This problem gets worse for large-scale applications that run many threads for a long time. In addition to the problem of storing these large traces, another problem arises when analyzing them to identify problems. The analysis tool needs to process gigabytes, or even terabytes of data, which is time-consuming. However, it has been shown that many HPC applications have recurring patterns, that time data is the heaviest part of a trace, and that similar events have similar duration, meaning they can be efficiently compressed. We propose a new trace format named Pallas, which uses the regularity of HPC applications to provide both quick and efficient post-mortem analysis and light traces. Pallas is a library that provides tracing tools with event storage functionalities. When writing a trace, Pallas automatically detects patterns, and stores statistical data for later analysis. The trace is then stored by separating the timestamps from the structure. This allows loading and analyzing the structure separately from the timestamps, which grants near-instantaneous analysis when the timestamps are not needed.

Slides of the presentation.


12h50 Plenary Session

VoliMem: Leveraging a user-land page table towards transparent usage of persistent memory

Jana Toljaga, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Over the last decades, memory technology has undergone significant evolution, resulting in the creation of failure-resilient persistent memory (PMEM). Due to its page-cache bypassing and byte-addressability, PMEM offers the durability of SSD with a speed approaching those of modern RAM. However, hardware support alone is insufficient as processor caches remain volatile, which results in data inconsistency in case of failure. For that reason, using PMEM also requires code instrumentation to log memory accesses. Currently, it is necessary to manually instrument the code, which is error-prone and adds additional burden on developers. We propose VoliMem, a user-space runtime that relies on virtualization to provide transparent persistent memory environment for application developers. Namely, VoliMem creates a virtualized process-like abstraction capable of accessing a page table directly in userland. The userland page table is therefore our tool to implement transparent logging using two possible techniques. The first one consists of intercepting writes by removing write access permission to the pages. The second one leverages the dirty bit set by the hardware each time when a page is modified.

12h55 Plenary Session

Thomas Collignon, Qarnot / INRIA Spiral

Using Control Theory to Reduce FileSystem Congestion Caused by Unpredictable I/O in Cloud Computing

In the context of distributed cloud computing systems, computing nodes often share stockage resources through shared file systems. Some computations can have strict requirements regarding I/O so it appears necessary to avoid any congestion or saturation of the file system. It can be mitigated with an a priori knowledge of the I/O profiles of computing jobs and traditional scheduling methods. However, in some contexts of cloud computing, like the Qarnot one, the same storage resources can be used to perform lower priority tasks than calculations such as downloading input data for next tasks, deleting cached data or task checkpointing. Those additional tasks generate inherently dynamic and unpredictable traffic that can disturb efficiently established scheduling strategies. This can lead to a performance degradation and an energy overconsumption that we want to avoid. With the induced traffic being unpredictable, we believe that control theory is a good candidate to address this problem. In this work, we explore how suitable this strategy is by choosing the most relevant sensors and actuators for controlling the system dynamically and at runtime.

Slides of the presentation.

Slides of the Poster.

14h-17h30 HPC and Lustre

14h00 Plenary Session

Lustre: status and path forward

Sebastien Buisson, Whamcloud

Lustre is the leading open-source and open-development file system for HPC. Around two thirds of the top 100 supercomputers use Lustre. It is a community developed technology with contributors from around the world. Lustre currently supports many HPC infrastructures beyond scientific research, such as financial services, energy, manufacturing, and life sciences and in recent years has been leveraged by cloud solutions to bring its performance benefits to a variety of new use cases (particularly relating to AI). This talk will reflect on the current state of the Lustre ecosystem and also will include the latest news relating to Lustre community releases (LTS releases and major releases), the roadmap, and details of features under development.

Slides of the presentation.

14h30 Plenary Session

DAOS Community Update

Johann Lombardi, Senior Storage Architect

This presentation will provide an overview of the DAOS architecture and how it has evolved over time to grow beyond persistent memory. The DAOS performance leadership will then be showcased via recent performance results from IO500. Finally, we will present the structure of the DAOS Foundation and some interesting upcoming DAOS features.

Slides of the presentation.

15h Plenary Session

Large Scale Workflow in the EXA-AToW project

François Bodin, IRISA

The EXA-AToW project investigates large-scale scientific workflows as a collaborative system of systems. In this perspective, workflows are distributed across various infrastructures, necessitating a cohesive approach that aligns with the cybersecurity constraints of each system. Moreover, to orchestrate workflows and manage data logistics effectively, we are developing the concept of a "Machine-Actionable Data Management Plan.

Slides of the presentation.


** 30 minute break **

16h00 Plenary Session

Research on HPC I/O in the context of the PEPR NumPEx project

Francieli Boito, University of Bordeaux

The French NumPEx project aims at conceiving and developing the software stack of future exascale systems. In this talk, I will present an overview of the activities planned to prepare the exascale I/O system. The goal is a system that can adapt to applications - and not the other way around - through smart scheduling and resource allocation decisions.

Slides of the presentation.

16h30 Plenary Session

The storage challenge of SKA's Science Data Processing

Shan Mignot, Observatoire Cote d'Azur

The two SKA radio-telescopes currently under construction in South Africa and Australia will observe the Universe, respectively in a medium frequency range (Mid: 350 MHz-15.4 GHz) and a low one (Low: 50-350 MHz), using phased arrays of antennas. For the purpose of achieving high angular resolution and extreme sensitivity, these arrays are planned to total 197 15m parabolas for Mid and 512 stations comprising 256 antennas each for Low by the end of phase 1 of the construction. Digitising the incoming radio waves at sub-nanosecond resolution will lead to 18.7 and 1700 Tb/s of raw data. Managing such data flows will require significant computing and storage capabilities in order to reduce them for transmission, archiving and analysis. The SKA relies on three infrastructures to condition, reduce and finally analyse this data for each telescope: the Central Signal Processor, the Science Data Processor and the Science Regional Centre Network. I will present SKA’s overall data management then focus on the Science Data Processor in terms of volumes, access and analysis of the data.

Slides of the presentation.

17h Plenary Session

Enabling Agile Analysis of I/O Performance Data with PyDarshan and IOBAT

Jakob Lüttgau, INRIA

Scientific applications utilize numerous software and hardware layers to efficiently access data. This is challenging for I/O optimization because of the need to instrument and correlate information across multiple layers. The Darshan characterization tool seeks to address this challenge by providing efficient, transparent, and compact runtime instrumentation of many common I/O interfaces. While there are command-line tools to generate actionable insights and summary reports, the extreme diversity of today’s scientific applications means that not all applications are well served by one-size-fits-all analysis tools. In this talk we present PyDarshan and IOBAT, to enable agile I/O analysis through Python-based libraries and novel interactive tools for I/O performance data. PyDarshan caters to both novice and advanced users by offering ready-to-use HTML reports as well as a rich collection of APIs to facilitate custom analyses. We demonstrate the effectiveness through multiple real-world analysis use cases.

Slides of the presentation.

Steering Committee

Since its inception 7 years ago, Per3S is managed by a steering committee, the committee is fluid and tends to evolve from an edition to the other.

Registration (for logistic purpose)

Access to the site may require the presentation of an ID, registration would greatly simplify the logistic

Provided email addresses will only be used to contact participant for logistic purpose or broadcast last minute changes. The emails addresses will not be kept after the Workshop (GDPR).


The workshop will be held in La Maison des Mines et des Ponts , a building of the prestigious Ecole des Mines et des Ponts, at the heart of the Latin quarter on the left bank of Paris.

Maison des Mines et des Ponts

270 rue Saint Jacques

75005 Paris

In case of issue Jean-Thomas: 06 15 95 63 06

Access map


Per3S would like to warmly thanks its sponsors: